Inquiry-driven bioinformatics laboratory research module: Metagenomic study of student oral microbes
Pao C.H.; Choi S.-C.T.; Lok S.Y.; Dorrough S.; Abelseth C.; Shelton J.; Rentas A.
Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education
American Society for Microbiology Curriculum Guidelines highlight the importance of enabling students to think critically and learn by doing research. Moreover, information in biology, especially genetics and biotechnology, increases too rapidly for instructors to teach everything. To increase students' interest and comprehension of important core genetic concepts and to encourage students to practice scientific investigation, we designed a research module for upper-level biology/genetics students to examine oral bacteria. Students extracted their own oral microbial DNA and amplified and analyzed with general genus- and species-specific 16S rRNA PCR primers. The microbial DNA samples were also amplified with conserved bacteria 16S rRNA primers and the amplicons TOPO cloned (topoisomerase-based cloning) and Sanger sequenced. Lastly, the metagenomic microbial DNA samples were also sequenced by Illumina next-generation sequencing and analyzed with bioinformatics tools. We have implemented the module in three iterations of an undergraduate class at a small, liberal arts college. The project culminates in a poster presentation that the students on average performed in a high B range. Pre- and postsurvey analysis of student learning gains revealed significant student learning (P < 0.05 one-tailed, paired Wilcoxon signed ranked test, n=23). Next, we surveyed student perceptions of the activity by a self-assessment. Significantly more than the medians, the students enjoyed the inquiry-driven module and considered it more effective in teaching about PCR and other molecular genetics concepts than the traditional prescribed laboratory exercises. We conclude that this microbe laboratory module induces research interest and is useful in teaching important genetics concepts. Copyright © 2021 Ho Pao et al. is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license.
16S rRNA gene primers; Bioinformatics; Genetic databases; Genetics research module; Hands-on learning; Inquiry driven; Laboratory exercises; Metagenomic study; PCR; Sequencing; Student oral microbes
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