Promoting social learning in higher education: A case study of Ph.D. e-portfolios
Polka W.S.; Rossi R.J.; Huber T.M.; Oliverio M.J.
eLearning Engagement in a Transformative Social Learning Environment
Successful completion of a doctoral degree often depends on the support a candidate receives from faculty and classmates. e-portfolios are an application of social learning pedagogy that promotes collaboration among peers while simultaneously archiving an individual's academic accomplishments. In this study, 10 cohort groups of Ph.D. students at a small liberal arts university were tasked with creating and sharing an e-portfolio throughout their doctoral program. The doctors invited all current and former Ph.D. students to participate in a survey about their e-portfolio experience: a potential sample of 140 participants. Thirty-seven current or former students completed the survey. Fifty-six percent of the responses indicated a positive reaction to the e-portfolio project. Specifically, respondents stated that the e-portfolio project promoted an increased sense of self-efficacy, encouraged relationship-building within cohort groups, and helped students to develop their research agendas. © 2021, IGI Global.
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