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Co-curricular learning across campus: Strategies for breaking barriers

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Stone A.M.; Nelson M.E.

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Applying Design Thinking to the Measurement of Experiential Learning

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Prototyping is an essential part of the design thinking process and an important part of imagining the future of design thinking pedagogy. This chapter highlights prototypes of design thinking pedagogy that engage faculty, staff, and students at a liberal arts institution. The authors share the history of the social impact hub and various iterations of curricular and co-curricular collaboration connected to a social innovation pitch competition. The authors also highlight the value of collaboration between innovation spaces and career and life planning offices through meaningful student employment opportunities. Finally, the authors describe modules being piloted to infuse design thinking throughout the curriculum. © 2021, IGI Global.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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Nơi xuất bản

IGI Global

Hình thức xuất bản

Book chapter

Open Access

