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Building CS Teacher Capacity Through Comprehensive College/High School Partnerships

Tác giả

Flatland R.; Matthews J.; White P.; Egan M.; Moya J.

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Source title

SIGCSE 2022 - Proceedings of the 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education

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Tóm tắt

Expanding access to and engaging diverse groups of students in high school computer science (CS) classes depends on qualified CS teachers. In this paper, we describe how faculty at our liberal arts college built CS teacher capacity at over 20 school districts through comprehensive college/high school partnerships. The majority of these districts serve rural or high-needs students, groups underrepresented in CS classrooms. The program works primarily with in-service teachers from other disciplines, helping them develop the expertise to teach CS. It is comprehensive in that it includes curricula and professional development for a high school level CS course and a dual-enrollment college level CS course, pathways to CS certification, community events, and opportunities for teacher leadership and collaboration. These modes of engagement are structured so that novice and veteran teachers and college faculty have opportunities to interact in different capacities over several years to create a robust professional learning community. Initial survey results show increasing levels of teacher confidence and sense of belonging, and increasing student confidence in their CS abilities. © 2022 ACM.

Từ khóa

broadening participation; dual-enrollment; professional development; professional learning community; teacher certification

Tài liệu tham khảo

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Nơi xuất bản

Association for Computing Machinery, Inc

Hình thức xuất bản

Conference paper

Open Access

