Tiêu đề

Leadership Adaptability Within Higher Education

Tác giả

Niemeyer-Rens R.F.; Sullivan G.; Self S.W.

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Source title

Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice

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Tóm tắt

Dynamism in the higher education industry (HEI) has created unprecedented complexity and uncertainty for leaders at colleges and universities across the globe. The challenges to competitive advantage and sustainability created by dynamic conditions have been exacerbated and accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and health crisis. HEI leaders are struggling to adapt antiquated and traditionally held methods and practices to navigate the rapid changes and survive the resulting chaos. The ability of leaders to adapt to dynamism in contemporary industry conditions is influenced by the external and internal environments; in term, these leaders’ capacity for change impacts the adaptability of the institutions they serve. This study examines how senior-and mid-level leaders at small private liberal arts colleges and universities are engaging in adaptive behaviors to help their organizations better compete despite challenges. © 2022, North American Business Press. All rights reserved.

Từ khóa

adaptability; dynamic environment; higher education; leadership

Tài liệu tham khảo

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North American Business Press

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