Tiêu đề

The disciplinary borderlands of education: art and STEAM education (Los límites disciplinares de la educación: arte y educación STEAM)

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Graham M.A.

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Source title

Infancia y Aprendizaje

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Tóm tắt

The emphasis on STEM disciplines in schools has caused advocates for art education to propose the addition of the arts to the study of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, transforming STEM into STEAM. However, it is important that the larger purposes of art and education that have traditionally been embraced by the liberal arts are not lost in STEAM education and that the arts are not reduced to a role of cognitive enhancer for other STEM subjects. STEAM education is closely linked to ideas and research about arts integration and is often implemented using the methods of ‘design thinking’. The use of design thinking as a method for interdisciplinary collaboration has many connections to how STEAM education is practise d in schools. Research describing arts integration is also relevant to how art is included in STEAM education. This article describes rationales for STEAM education and how the work of contemporary artists provides generative examples of how STEAM education might be put into practice. Both the affordances and limitations of STEAM education are explored. © 2021 Fundacion Infancia y Aprendizaje.

Từ khóa

art education; design thinking; integrated learning; STEAM education; STEM education

Tài liệu tham khảo

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