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An investigation into the use of metadiscourse in undergraduates' abstracts in social sciences

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Ruonan L.; Al-Shaibani G.K.S.

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Topics in Linguistics

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There is very little research on the use of metadiscourse markers in abstracts across different disciplines (especially in a single study) in the research of undergraduates as novice researchers, and little qualitative research has been done on the topic in EFL and ESL contexts altogether. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine the use of metadiscourse markers in EFL and ESL undergraduates' abstracts in social sciences across three disciplines (English Language and Communication, Mass Communication, and Psychology) in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts at UCSI University, a Malaysian private university. We adopt Hyland's (2005) interpersonal model which involves two main categories - interactive metadiscourse and interactional metadiscourse - to analyse all 62 abstracts collected from the 2016 Colloquium held at the faculty. The method used is qualitative to categorize the metadiscourse markers accordingly as well as counting their frequencies. The findings showed that the interactional metadiscourse markers were used nearly twice as often as the interactive discourse markers for the three disciplines, and the most used markers are boosters. The most used interactive metadiscourse markers are transitions, followed by frame markers, evidentials, code glosses, and endophoric markers. The findings can be used by ESL and EFL instructors when teaching students learning argumentative writing and research writing to use metadiscourse markers to make arguments and write proper critiques to reflect their stance and voice. This research adds some insights into this neglected genre of academic discourse at the undergraduate level. © 2022 Lin Ruonan, published by Sciendo.

Từ khóa

abstract; academic discourse; discourse analysis; interactional metadiscourse markers; interactive metadiscourse markers; interpersonal model; metadiscourse

Tài liệu tham khảo

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