Tiêu đề

Learning fundamental programming concepts in a digital media course

Tác giả

Heinz A.; Xu X.; Lai S.

Năm xuất bản


Source title

Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference, ISECON

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Tóm tắt

Georgia Gwinnett College is a 4-year open-access liberal arts institution in northeast metro Atlanta. Digital media is a sophomore level gateway course and the second Information Technology (IT) course that is required for all majors. Students come from a wide variety of disciplines and are mostly unfamiliar with programming. Throughout the semester, they learn to use vector graphics applications to manipulate computer graphics such as shapes, symbols, text, colors and gradients without writing any computer code. While this simple approach works most of the time, our project intends to show students how much more can be accomplished by learning how to create and modify scripts to quickly perform tasks that would otherwise be tedious and time consuming. In this way, students are given simple scripts for Adobe Illustrator so that they can experiment and see firsthand how useful they are. We also introduce elementary programming concepts such as variables, conditional statements, and loops so that they can also modify those scripts and eventually create their own. Sample scripts include the creation of random distinct geometric shapes, buildings, stars, flowers with different colors and shapes. Our goal is to make students understand the usefulness of computer programming, foster critical thinking skills, and encourage them to pursue a major or minor in Information Technology. © 2020 Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference, ISECON. All rights reserved.

Từ khóa

Adobe illustrator; Digital media; Information technology; IT; JavaScript; Programming; Scripts

Tài liệu tham khảo

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Nơi xuất bản

Foundation for Information Technology Education

Hình thức xuất bản

Conference paper

Open Access

