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A comparative analysis of teacher training curricula at cambridge, new york, tokyo, sydney and hacettepe universities

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özaydinli-Tanriverdi B.

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Changing Educational Paradigms: New Methods, Directions, and Policies

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Problem Status and Purpose: Studies conducted in the last 25 years emphasize that the key role in the quality of each education system is closely related to the quality of teacher training. As is the case in the world, studies to increase the quality of teacher training in Turkey continue, and certain standards are being introduced to teacher training in many countries. The main purpose for developing these standards is not to train a single type of teacher, but to educate teachers in accordance with the requirements of the century necessitating multiple skills. The ability to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of country systems impartially can be achieved by deriving meaningful and consistent inferences from the results obtained from comparative information. Therefore, by taking into consideration the teaching practices in several countries, revealing the practices along with their similarities and differences in Turkey via scientific processes will contribute to the revision studies of teacher training curricula in Turkey. The aim of this study is to make a theoretical contribution to the the Teacher training curricula determined by Higher Education Council [HEC]- YOK) in Turkey by comparing and contrasting teacher training curricula in several countries. Method: In this study, for qualitative data collection methods, document analysis is used and for analysis of the data descriptive analysis is used. In the analysis of the documents, Bereday model is used as it is one of the comparative education models. The curricula discussed in the study are the ones that were considered by different rating agencies to be among the top 100 universities of the world- Cambridge, New York; Sydney, Tokyo- along with the teacher training curricula of the Hacettepe University under HEC. The data set used in the study consists of documents related to the research questions on the official web sites of the relevant universities. Results: The results have shown that the most distinctive and important feature, which is not included in the Hacettepe University's teacher training but which is common in the other four universities, is the integrated curriculum approach with pedagogy and liberal arts modules rather than an approach containing modules with specialised courses, vocational courses and general culture courses. Another important difference is that prospective teachers in the universites other than Hacettepe start to take their professional experience courses as of the first year and continue to take them almost in every semester and they cannot take other practical courses without successfully completing a professional experience course. The universities other than Hacettepe University form their own criteria for the admission of students and they mostly construct an interdisciplinary curriculum approach. Suggestions for Future Research and Implementation: This study deals with problems of teacher training curricula in general terms. With discipline-based curriculum reviews (eg. Mathematics education), more in-depth investigations can be made and thus, the shortcomings of our teacher training curricula can be revealed with a view to provide better education for teachers having the most important role in our education system. © Peter Lang GmbH. Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Berlin 2020. All rights reserved.

Từ khóa

Admission and completion criteria; Comparative education; Professional practices; Structure of the curricula; Teacher training curricula

Tài liệu tham khảo

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