A data science major: Building skills and confidence
Rosenthal S.; Chung T.R.
SIGCSE 2020 - Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
Data science is a growing field at the intersection of mathematics, computer science, and domain expertise. Like many universities that are building data science degree programs for undergraduates, our small, liberal-arts university saw increasing opportunities in the region and decided to build a data science degree from the ground up, without a pre-existing computer science (CS) department to leverage for courses or culture. We designed and implemented an academically-demanding curriculum that combined mathematics, information systems, and new data science courses, and that also encouraged and supported student success. Each introductory course included active learning design to engage students. To increase retention, all major courses included assignments designed to build skills but also student confidence in their ability to learn challenging technical topics. Outside of the classroom, we created opportunities for professional advancement and developed a technical culture at the university. We will share our approach, course highlights, and lessons learned from building such a curriculum at an institution without a CS department. © 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.
Curriculum design; Data science curriculum; Data science major
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Conference paper