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Anti-Racism, Inclusion, and the Role of Anthropology in Institutional Culture Change in General Education Curricula

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Torres M.G.

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Applying Anthropology to General Education: Reshaping Colleges and Universities for the 21st Century

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This chapter argues that anthropology as a discipline is equipped to critically engage with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), belonging, and an anti-racist reframing offered in the content of student learning as well as in the frameworks for devising faculty development offerings. It offers a view of curricular issues that lie at the intersection of anthropology and social justice in the undergraduate classroom and in faculty development offerings in a private liberal arts college setting. The chapter is situated from the author’s own practice of engaging with curricular review as a professor and an educational developer co-directing a center for teaching and learning focused on inclusive pedagogy. Looking at the development of a course and a faculty development resource for self-guided reflection, the chapter argues that the promise of anthropology’s role in reshaping the academy towards what is just and equitable lies in our ability to co-create knowledge and the institutional practices that undergird academic cultures. © 2022 selection and editorial matter, Jennifer R. Wies and Hillary J. Haldane; individual chapters, the contributors

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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Taylor and Francis

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Book chapter

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