Examining the Psychometric Properties of a New Integrative Learning Scale
Youngerman E.; Dahl L.S.; Mayhew M.J.
Research in Higher Education
Integrative learning is the ability to connect, apply, and/or synthesize. A highly valued skill for the knowledge economy and combating false narratives, integrative learning represents the cognitive heart of the liberal arts, demonstrating students’ ability to make interdisciplinary connections and apply their learning to their lives and the outside world. But integrative learning has not been successfully measured. This study piloted the 7-item Integrative Learning Scale. Data from 1,919 college students at three institutions were analyzed using Rasch modeling. The results of this study suggest that integrative learning can be measured and the Integrative Learning Scale has strong psychometric properties for doing so. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. part of Springer Nature.
Integrative learning; Rasch modeling; Reliability; Validity
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