Exploring Personality Traits and Dimensions of Success
Goodwin A.M.; Russell M.H.; Johnson M.E.; Houston J.M.; Richard D.C.S.
North American Journal of Psychology
We investigated prominent personality traits associated with successful task performance and outcomes. Specifically, trait clusters associated with goal-orientedness and achievement were examined. The purpose of this study was to understand how maladaptive and adaptive success-oriented personality traits empirically link to the pursuit of success using principal component analysis in young adults. A total of 241 participants from introductory psychology classes at a liberal arts college in central Florida completed a battery of questionnaires measuring different personality traits. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) found that four components accounted for 61.98% of the variance. The four components were labeled: Active Self Achievement, Hierarchical Achievement, Fixed Achievement, and Quixotic Achievement. Future research should focus on how the traits generalize to other age groups and predict long-term occupational, educational, and athletic achievement success. © 2022, North American Journal of Psychology. All rights reserved.
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