Tiêu đề

Understanding Student Experience and Motivation in a New Human-Centered Engineering Program - Insights from the First Cohort

Tác giả

Carnasciali M.-I.; Hira A.; Tonn J.

Năm xuất bản


Source title

Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE

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Tóm tắt

This work-in-progress research paper emerges from the development of a new Human-Centered Engineering undergraduate degree program in a liberal arts college. As part of a more extensive study, in this paper, we report on the experiences of the inaugural cohort of students in the program. We focus on students' experiences in their first year, emphasizing how they experience the "human-centeredness"of the program and how they experience co-creating the program along with the faculty. We frame our inquiry with the following research questions:RQ1: What is the experience of individuals in the first cohort of a new engineering undergraduate program positioned to be "human-centered"?RQ 2: How do the students co-create the program with faculty?As a team of three researchers, we conducted grounded coding from data collected via semi-structured interviews and focus groups. The students share their experiences of being what one student terms "trailblazers,"initiation of their engineering identity formation, and finding human-centered ways to practice engineering and work with their peers. The students also share experiences of feeling included in parts of creating the new program and seeing change happen when they provide feedback. This study contributes to the limited literature on the development of new engineering programs and adds to the discourse on human-centeredness in engineering education. © 2022 IEEE.

Từ khóa

Engineering Education; Human-Centered Engineering

Tài liệu tham khảo

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Nơi xuất bản

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

Hình thức xuất bản

Conference paper

Open Access

